Can You Make Solar Panels At Home?

Solar at home

For years we have known of the effects that our carbon emissions have on the environment, but could learning how to make solar panels for our homes, really be the solution? Why not just buy them and have them professionally installed like other people do? And why are solar energy systems so expensive?

First, lets start with what a solar panel actually is.

A panel is a unit which houses a number of solar or photovoltaic cells. The cells within these panels, convert energy from the sun into electricity. They are a carbon free way of producing energy for both home and commercial uses.

In fact, some people have quite a few panels and are able to come off the power grid completely and some just have 1 or 2 panels, just to help them reduce their carbon footprint and energy bills. And as mentioned above, some people even teach themselves how to make panels to take care of their energy needs.

Is learning to make solar panels for your home a viable solution?

The truth is that many people make solar panels for their own use and are actually very successful at it. Most home made panels cost between $100 to $200 to make, however this covers the cost of setting yourself up, which means that you can make subsequent solar panels even cheaper.

Most of the guides out there on how to make solar panels give instructions that will take around 2-3 hours for a complete beginner to use to build their first solar panel. In fact, for many it is a great weekend job to do with the kids.

In answer to the question though, I think that it is a viable solution to make panels at home, and here, in a nutshell, is why.

  • You’ll reduce your carbon emissions.
  • You’ll reduce your power bills.
  • You’ll save money learning how to make solar panels, rather that spending thousands of mass produced ones.
  • You’ll have something to ‘show off’ to friends and family, with the sense of achievement that you made it.
  • It’s a great project to do with the kids.
  • It will only take one Saturday afternoon to do the whole project.

Why not just buy them and have them professionally installed like other people do?

Well, you could do if you have good money to throw away! The commercially produced panels start at around $20,000 and if you are wanting to seriously reduce your energy costs, you won’t just want to have the one. Before you know it, the cost would be spiralling out of control.

But when you learn to make solar panels, you’ll only be spending a fraction of the cost of a brought panel, which means that you can get the best return on your initial investment.

Why is solar energy systems so expensive?

Simply? Because they are still considered new technology. It’s very said, but true. How much we pay for things is determined by how much we are willing to pay for it. This means that a whole section of society can be frozen out of the market. This is unfair, but it is a fact of life. In around another 20 years the cost of these panels is massively drop and people previous unable to afford them will be able to buy them. But we’re in an economic and environment crisis now, so what can be done?

You guessed it! Make solar panels. For many people who want lower energy bills and to reduce their carbon footprint, learning to make your own solar panels really is the way forward.

What if you could have free electricity in your home?

I know that it may seem impossible, but if you really want to, you can learn how to build your own solar panels for less than $100.

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